Installation Process
Wordcradle is a free online novel writing software specially designed for writing novels. You can easily register and create an account to get started.
Basic Features of Wordcradle
Here all the writings are considered as projects. You can set the number of words and time for each project. This feature will help you track the progress of your work closely and also help you to monitor large projects like novels easily. You can add and delete index cards to express your and retain your ideas. Wordcradle also allows users to divide the story into different chapters and monitor each chapter closely.
This also helps to monitor large writing work very easily. This software also provides a simple interface and this makes the software even more simple and popular among many. Its simple nature has made it more popular among beginners too. Users can simply click the “projects” section and select the blue button on the right-hand side. Then you can enter a name for the new project and add a cover image.
After that users can write a summary of 20 words. This software also provides a set of free formatting options to make your work more interesting.
Special Characters
Wordcradle also invites users to play a “word quest” game and the software itself displays ranking at the bottom of the page. This feature reduces the writing stress of users and keeps them inside the software too. Wordcradle also provides the opportunity to view characters of the story or the novel in a table and see their profiles too in detail.
This software allows users to download their work after completion.
So we hope that you have obtained some vital information about the “Wordcradle” software using this. Are you interested in finding more facts about free writing software? Then this is for you to visit here.